
Showing posts from July, 2020

What are the responsibilities of a trainer?

When you think of what a trainer does, it’s likely that the skills needed by a trainer are the first things that spring to mind - training needs analysis (TNA), training programme design, ability to use PowerPoint, communication skills etc. These are all important for successful training, but it’s also crucial to consider the responsibilities of a trainer. What must a trainer be aware of while training? How should they support their trainees? What is the best way for a trainer to achieve their aims? Here, we review 4 responsibilities all trainers must be aware of as they plan and carry out training programmes. 4 Responsibilities of Trainers 1. Being Prepared and Organised This is both a courtesy to your trainees and a support for your own benefit. Considering all aspects of preparation and organisation means that everyone involved will have a smoother training experience. These aspects may include: - completing a TNA (training needs anal...